Amazon Product Photography
we offer professional Amazon product photography done quickly and easily. Perfect for online sellers. Ignite your Amazon listing – simply send us your product. We photograph your product on a white background ensuring it fills at least 85% of the frame and meets all Amazon product photography requirements. Stand out over your competitors with high-quality imagery. Buyers shop with their eyes and with hundreds of thousands of listings it’s important to stand out.
Your product photography is everything when it comes to driving clicks and conversions. Eye-catching, stunning product photography will increase the number of shoppers who click on your listing. We accentuate each feature of your product to make sure your customers feel confident purchasing your product. The aesthetic of your listing is the first thing your potential customer will notice about your brand. A solid brand will enable you to command a premium, ensure you are instantly recognisable to your clients and build loyalty.
If you are an experienced online seller then you are probably already aware of the Amazon product photography requirements. However if you are new to the industry it is important to understand that Amazon requires you to follow a set of photography guidelines. These product photography guidelines help maintain a clean and consistent look.
Having worked with many ecommerce businesses our product photography service has been streamlined to ensure you have everything you need to take your listing to the next level. We have the expertise to provide you with engaging professional product photography for use on all retail platforms, not just on Amazon.
Our simple process to high quality photography
Step 1 – Call today to get a quote
Step 2 – Send us your products
Step 3 – We photograph your product with high-end studio equipment and custom lighting
Step 4 – We send you a link where you can view and download your product photographs
We’re proud to have worked with a number of clients in a variety of sectors. Here is some of our Amazon product photography:
More examples of product photography can be found here: Product Photography
Experts in Amazon Product Photography
We are experts in product photography specifically for the Amazon marketplace. We capture images of your products that cannot be ignored.
Carrying out thorough research, we achieve an intimate understanding of your brand. In brainstorming sessions, we determine the palette of colours, the styling and composition that will best show off your products to your target audience. We’ll take care to ensure we have the perfect location, lighting and props required to make your shots attractive and eye-catching. As a result of this attention to detail, we’re sure potential customers will become loyal clients.
In addition, the images we produce will be valuable assets for your social media campaigns and other marketing platforms too.
Amazon Product Photography Requirements
Technical specifications
TIFF (.tif/.tiff), JPEG (.jpeg/.jpg), GIF (.gif) and PNG (.png) format
Image pixel dimensions of at least 1000 or larger in either height or width preferred
sRGB or CMYK color mode
File names must consist of the product identifier (Amazon ASIN, 13-digit ISBN, EAN, JAN, or UPC) followed by a period and the appropriate file extension (Example: B000123456.jpg or 0237425673485.tif)
Note: Spaces, dashes or additional characters in the filename will prevent your image from going online.
Amazon Site Standards for Product Photography
For images named by product identifier without a variant code or named with the main variant, and display as the main image on the product detail page, Amazon maintains the following site product image standards:
The image must be the cover art or a professional photograph of the product being sold. Drawings or illustrations of the product are not allowed
The image must not contain gratuitous or confusing additional objects
The image must be in focus, professionally lit and photographed or scanned, with realistic colour, and smooth edges
books, music, and Video/DVD images should be the front cover art, and fill 100% of the image frame. Jewel cases, promotional stickers, and cellophane are not allowed
All other products should fill 85% or more of the image frame
The full product must be in frame
Backgrounds must be pure white (RGB 255,255,255)
The image must not contain additional text, graphics, or inset images
Pornographic and offensive materials are not allowed
For additional other view images:
The image must be of, or pertain to, the product being sold
The image must be in focus, professionally lit and photographed or scanned, with realistic colour, and smooth edges
Other products or objects are allowed to help demonstrate the use or scale of product
The product and props should fill 85% or more of the image frame
Cropped or close-up images are allowed
Backgrounds and environments are allowed
Text and demonstrative graphics are allowed
Pornographic and offensive materials are not allowed
More examples of product photography can be found here: Product Photography